Work With Me
Work With Me
If you are looking for more information or are considering a collaboration, please see the information below.
General Inquiries
Any questions you have about blog content, recipes or anything else on your mind can be directed to [email protected]. I am happy to respond.
Partnering with Lisa’s Dinnertime Dish
If you’re looking to partner on a project, please contact me via email at [email protected]. Let me know the details of your project and we can determine whether it is a good fit for both your organization and Lisa’s Dinnertime Dish.
Working with Brands, Developing Recipes and Product Reviews
If you are a Brand and are looking for unique and creative ways to use your product, we would love to discuss how to best feature your product. Nearly my entire blog is made up of recipes unique to Lisa’s Dinnertime Dish and I can do this for you. Also, if you have a Product you want reviewed as I develop recipes, I would love to work with you!
Please contact me at [email protected] with details.
Guest Posts and Back Links
We currently do not accept guest posts and do not respond to requests for back links.